The Seqera Blog
Insights, commentary and announcements from the wonderful world of Nextflow data analysis pipelines
Wave: rethinking software containers for data pipelines
Sep 10, 2024WaveIn the bioinformatics landscape, containerized workflows have become crucial for ensuring reproducibility in data analysis. By encapsulating applications and their dependencies into portable, self-contained packages, containers enable seamless distribution across diverse computing environments.Paolo Di Tommaso
Optimizing image segmentation modeling using Seqera Platform
Sep 2, 2024Seqera PlatformData StudiosMachine LearningFusionCollaborationXpraPerforming interactive analysis is considered one of the most difficult phases in the entire bioinformatics process. User-friendly interactive environments that are adjacent to your data and streamline the end-to end analysis process are critical.Rob Syme
Introducing the new Pipeline Launch forms: A leap forward in usability and functionality
Aug 15, 2024Seqera PlatformToday, we are excited to introduce the newly redesigned Pipeline launch forms, marking the first phase in a broader initiative to revamp the entire form submission experience across our platform.Mattia Bosio
Seqera acquires tinybio to Advance Science for Everyone - Now Through GenAI!
Aug 6, 2024AnnouncementSeqeraWe are thrilled to announce that Seqera is joining forces with tinybio, a NYC-based tech-bio start-up known for its AI-integrated scientific tools focused on executing pipelines and analyses via natural language.Evan Floden
The State of the Workflow 2024: Community Survey Results
Jul 17, 2024NextflowState of the Workflow 2024 Community Survey Results: Insights from 600+ Nextflow users about the state of workflow management for scientific data analysisEvan Floden
Seqera's project on the optimization of computational resources for HPC workloads in the cloud through ML/AI has been funded by the European Union
Jun 5, 2024SeqeraAnnouncementCall for grants 2021 aimed at R&D Projects in AI and other digital technologies and their integration into value chainsTeresa Villoslada
Data Studios – Interactive analysis in Seqera Platform
May 23, 2024Seqera PlatformData StudiosXpraAn overview of Data Studios - a new feature in Seqera Platform that enables analysts and data scientists to add interactive envrionments.Rob Newman
Empowering scientists with seamless access to bioinformatics resources
May 23, 2024Open sourceSeqeraToday marks a major milestone in that journey as we release two new free and open resources for the community: Seqera Pipelines and Seqera Containers.Evan Floden
nf-core/riboseq: A collaboration between Altos Labs and Seqera
May 15, 2024NextflowSeqeranf-corenf-core/riboseq: A collaboration between Altos Labs and SeqeraJon Manning
Singularity Reloaded
Apr 18, 2024SeqeraNextflowImproved Singularity/Apptainer support in Nextflow and Wave.Marco De La Pierre
Element Biosciences and Seqera – Flexible, powerful, end-to-end analysis at scale
Apr 5, 2024SeqeraHarshil Patel
Fusion file system and Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – understanding the differences
Feb 27, 2024SeqeraJordi Deu Pons
MultiQC: A fresh coat of paint
Feb 12, 2024Open sourceMultiQCNew graphs made with Plotly come to MultiQC.Phil Ewels
Seqera at ASHG 2023
Nov 14, 2023SeqeraSeqera presents a poster on large-scale data analysis pipelines.Noel Ortiz
Introducing Data Explorer
Oct 18, 2023SeqeraSimplified data management for Nextflow pipelines.Drew DiPalma
Introducing the Seqera Platform - one platform for the data analysis lifecycle
Oct 18, 2023AnnouncementAPINextflow TowerCloudSeqera PlatformIntroducing the Seqera Platform - one platform for the data analysis lifecycleNoel Ortiz
Geraldine Van der Auwera joins Seqera
Oct 11, 2023NextflowPeopleCommunityWe're excited to welcome Geraldine to Seqera as Lead Developer Advocate to help the Nextflow community in the USA grow and thrive!Geraldine Van der Auwera
Automating pipeline execution with Nextflow and Tower
Sep 12, 2023Nextflow TowerNextflowSave time and improve efficiency by automating end-to-end processes..Adam Talbot
Kickstart your Tower Cloud experience
Aug 18, 2023Nextflow TowerLearn how to run your first analysis pipeline in under 30 minutes.Rob Syme
MultiQC turns eight years old!
Aug 4, 2023Open sourceMultiQCAs a birthday gift, we present v1.15 with a 7x file search speedup! We also welcome a new dedicated MultiQC developer - Vlad Savelyev.Phil Ewels
Preparing for a multi-cloud future
Jul 28, 2023Nextflow TowerNextflowStaying agile and portable in the age of cloud with Nextflow and Tower.Robert Lalonde
Nextflow and Tower for Machine Learning
Jul 11, 2023Nextflow TowerNextflowAn overview of the impact of AI in health care and an example Nextflow pipeline for training a machine learning model.Ben Sherman
ZS and Seqera announce a new partnership agreement
May 8, 2023NextflowNextflow TowerA comprehensive set of professional services related to Nextflow, Nextflow pipelines, and Nextflow TowerRobert Lalonde
The State of the Workflow 2023: Community Survey Results
Apr 25, 2023Nextflownf-coreCommunityAnnouncementRead about our State of the Workflow Community survey to get a sense of activities and preferences in the Nextflow user community.Evan Floden
Running AI workloads in the cloud with Nextflow Tower — a step-by-step guide
Apr 11, 2023NextflowNextflow TowerA hands-on-tutorial explaining how Nextflow Tower can simplify GPU-enable training and inference.Evan Floden
Keep your genomic analysis on track with MultiQC
Mar 8, 2023Open sourceMultiQCComprehensive quality control across multiple samples and tools with MultiQCEvan Floden
The State of the Workflow 2023: The Nextflow and nf-core community survey
Mar 1, 2023Nextflownf-coreCommunityAnnouncementGet an opportunity to win an Apple Macbook Air M2 or one of ten sustainability-certified Seqera merchandise packsEvan Floden
How Nextflow is helping win the global battle against future outbreaks and pandemics
Feb 13, 2023NextflowNextflow TowerWhile we can't predict the next pandemic, we can be certain that new threats will emerge. Learn how Nextflow is helping prepare us to fight future pandemics and outbreaks.Evan Floden
Breakthrough performance and cost-efficiency with the new Fusion file system
Feb 7, 2023FusionNextflowNextflow TowerWaveAn overview of the Fusion 2.0 file system and benchmarks comparing Fusion to alternative approaches to data handling in Nextflow.Paolo Di Tommaso
Nextflow and K8s Rebooted: Running Nextflow on Amazon EKS
Jan 20, 2023CloudKubernetesA step-by-step guide to running Nextflow pipelines on Amazon EKS.Ben Sherman
Container provisioning, cloud resource optimization, Google Cloud Batch support, and more in Tower Enterprise 22.3
Nov 10, 2022Nextflow TowerFeature ReleaseNextflow Tower Enterprise version 22.3 brings a host of new features, services, and improved cloud provider support.Mattia Bosio
Building Containers for Scientific Workflows
Nov 3, 2022NextflowCloudFollow our step-by-step guide and learn how to build and deploy your own scientific containers with Nextflow.Evan Floden
Accelerating Analytics with Easy Genomics - Wisconsin State Laboratory
Oct 26, 2022Nextflow TowerNextflowCloudLearn about Easy Genomics - an innovative effort by Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH), Two Bulls, and AWS based on Nextflow Tower.Venkata Kampana
Best Practices for Deploying Pipelines with the Seqera Platform (formerly Nextflow Tower)
Oct 19, 2022NextflowSeqera PlatformLearn how to easily deploy your Nextflow pipelines using the Seqera Platform and nf-core tools.Evan Floden
Optimizing resource usage with Nextflow Tower
Oct 14, 2022NextflowNextflow TowerCloudLearn how Tower's new resource optimization feature can help you accelerate pipeline execution and dramatically reduce cloud spending.Evan Floden
Nextflow and Azure Batch – working with Tower (2 of 2)
Aug 30, 2022AzureCloudA deep dive into running Nextflow pipelines on Azure Batch with Tower.Evan Floden
Announcing Labels in Tower
Aug 24, 2022AnnouncementNextflow TowerLearn how Labels in Tower make pipelines easier to organize, track, search, and manage.Mattia Bosio
Nextflow and Azure Batch – Inside the Integration (1 of 2)
Aug 16, 2022NextflowCloudA deep dive into Nextflow on Azure Batch, how the integration works, and different deployment options.Evan Floden
Nextflow and AWS Batch - Using Tower (3 of 3)
Aug 8, 2022AWSNextflow TowerIn this this article on Nextflow and AWS Batch we look at Tower and Tower Forge and expose the use of AWS high-performance storage with Nextflow.Evan Floden
Nextflow and AWS Batch – Inside the Integration (2 of 3)
Aug 1, 2022AWSCloudA step by step guide to deploying AWS Batch and Nextflow and a closer look at the internals of the integration.Evan Floden
Nextflowomics: Untangling Biology with Data Analysis Pipelines
Jul 18, 2022Communitynf-coreNextflowAn overview of the omics disciplines and the role of Nextflow and cloud computing in advancing researchHarshil Patel
Announcing Nextflow Support for Google Cloud Batch
Jul 13, 2022AnnouncementNextflowNextflow TowerPartnersRun portable, reproducible bioinformatics pipelines in the Google Cloud.Evan Floden
Nextflow and AWS Batch – Inside the Integration (1 of 3)
Jul 11, 2022AWSCloudA deep dive into Nextflow on AWS Batch, how the integration works, and different deployment options.Evan Floden
Announcing Illumina DRAGEN integration with Nextflow Tower
Jun 23, 2022AWSAnnouncementNextflow TowerPartnersProvision AWS Cloud resources and launch Nextflow Pipelines using Illumina DRAGEN software on Nextflow Tower.Harshil Patel
The State of the Workflow 2022: Community Survey Results
May 23, 2022Nextflownf-coreCommunityAnnouncementThe State of the Workflow 2022: The Nextflow and nf-core Community. The results from our Nextflow user survey, covering where and how people use Nextflow and nf-core.Gord Sissons
Pipeline Secrets: Secure Handling of Sensitive Information in Tower
Apr 21, 2022AnnouncementNextflowNextflow TowerFeature ReleaseIntroducing Pipeline Secrets. Securely store and use sensitive information for pipeline executions with Tower.Mattia Bosio
Phil Ewels joins Seqera
Mar 22, 2022Nextflownf-coreMultiQCPeopleCommunityPhil Ewels outlines his journey, from his beginnings in the Babraham Institute, his time at SciLifeLab, to working full-time with Nextflow.Phil Ewels
State of the Workflow 2022: The Nextflow and nf-core community survey
Feb 8, 2022Nextflownf-coreCommunityAnnouncementWin an Apple Macbook Air M1 along with one of ten Seqera merch packsEvan Floden
Workflow Automation for Nextflow Pipelines
Jan 26, 2022Nextflow TowerAutomationData ManagementAWSA practical guide for implementing robust automated workflow execution in the cloud with Nextflow pipelinesGraham Wright
Announcing the Nextflow Tower CLI
Dec 14, 2021Nextflow TowerAPIInfrastructureCommunityBlog post covering the new Tower command-line interface. Launch pipelines, manage cloud resources, and administer Tower with the new CLI.Evan Floden
Introducing Harshil Patel, Head of Scientific Development
Nov 22, 2021NextflowPeoplenf-coreCommunityDr. Harshil Patel's journey to leading pipeline development at the home of Nextflow and nurturing the relationship between nf-core and Seqera.Harshil Patel
Introducing the Tower Cloud Community Workspace
Oct 22, 2021Nextflow TowerCommunityCollaborationnf-coreWith the Community Showcase, Tower Cloud provides ready-to-go analysis environments & gold-standard pipelinesEvan Floden
Introducing Tower Datasets
Oct 7, 2021Nextflow TowerFeature ReleaseDatasetsStorageAnother huge new feature for Nextflow Tower - Datasets! This allows users to import and story their own input datasets.Evan Floden
Personalized Immunotherapy – Machine Learning meets Next Generation Sequencing
Aug 2, 2021Case StudySequencingMachine LearningCommunityPersonalized Immunotherapy – Machine Learning meets Next Generation Sequencing with the amazing work of Gritstone bioRobert Lalonde
Seqera Announces Support for AWS for Health Initiative
Jul 26, 2021AWSPartnersCloudFeature ReleaseSeqera Announces Support for AWS for Health Initiative, an initiative built specifically for healthcare, biopharma, and genomics customersRobert Lalonde
Optimizing Workflows with Nextflow
Jul 19, 2021OptimizationStorageInfrastructureAWSHow Nextflow enables bioinformaticians to deploy and run cloud pipelines to boost performance while simultaneously reducing costEvan Floden
nf-core June 2021 Updates - The latest news from the nf-core team
Jul 2, 2021NextflowAnnouncementnf-coreCommunityA guest post on the June 2021 updates, including the march towards Nextflow DSL2, with Phil Ewels from the nf-core community.Phil Ewels
RNA Society Hosts APAeval Challenge on Nextflow Tower
Jun 3, 2021Case StudyCollaborationPartnersCommunityAn overview of APAeval, the collaborative effort to advance computation methods within the RNA CommunityEvan Floden
The next step for multi-platform collaboration at scale
May 6, 2021NextflowFeature ReleaseNextflow TowerCollaborationNextflow Tower has taken next step for multi-platform collaboration at scale with the release of the Workspace and Organizations features.Paolo Di Tommaso
The State of Nextflow 2021
Mar 10, 2021Nextflownf-coreCommunityAnnouncementThe State of Nextflow 2021 - the results from our Nextflow user survey, covering where and how people use Nextflow, their industry, and their teams.Evan Floden
Break-through Science - Machine Learning and Imaging Pipelines using Nextflow
Feb 8, 2021Case StudyMachine LearningNextflowAnnouncementBreak-through Science - Machine Learning and Imaging Pipelines using Nextflow, following a conversation with Felix Morency, the CTO of Imeka.Robert Lalonde
State of Nextflow Survey 2021
Jan 27, 2021Nextflownf-coreCommunityAnnouncementState of Nextflow Survey 2021Evan Floden
Grid Engine Support for Tower Workloads
Jan 14, 2021On PremisesFeature ReleasePartnersNextflow TowerAnnouncing Tower support for Grid Engine workload manager as a target execution platform for Nextflow data pipelines.Robert Lalonde
Kubernetes is everywhere!
Dec 17, 2020KubernetesFeature ReleasePartnersNextflow TowerKubernetes is everywhere! Tower uses can now deploy Nextflow pipelines into AWS Batch and Google LifeSciences cloud computing servicesPaolo Di Tommaso
Tower API & Docs release
Nov 5, 2020Feature ReleaseAPINextflow TowerCommunityA year after Tower's release, Seqera presents two milestones: Tower API & Docs, which bring massively scalable data analysis pipelines to everybodyEvan Floden
Sharing is Caring
Oct 8, 2020AnnouncementFeature ReleaseCommunityCollaborationSeqera celebrates the first birthday of the Tower project - our mission to deliver the most seamless experience for data analysis pipelinesPaolo Di Tommaso
Tower Forge for AWS Batch
Jul 1, 2020AWSFeature ReleaseNextflow TowerCloudAnother major release for Nextflow - Tower Forge for AWS Batch, which greatly simplifies the setup of the AWS Batch environmentEvan Floden
Tower Cloud Launch
Jun 2, 2020CloudFeature ReleaseNextflow TowerAnnouncementToday marks the release of a plethora of new features - including sign-in authentication, Tower Launch, Re-launch, and private repositories.Paolo Di Tommaso
Introducing Nextflow Tower - Seamless monitoring of data analysis workflows from anywhere
Oct 8, 2019AnnouncementAPINextflow TowerCloudIntroducing Nextflow Tower - Seamless monitoring of data analysis workflows from anywherePaolo Di Tommaso