Paolo Di TommasoPaolo Di Tommaso
Nov 06, 2014

Using Docker for scientific data analysis in an HPC cluster

Scientific data analysis pipelines are rarely composed by a single piece of software. In a real world scenario, computational pipelines are made up of multiple stages, each of which can execute many different scripts, system commands and external tools deployed in a hosting computing environment, usually an HPC cluster.

As I work as a research engineer in a bioinformatics lab I experience on a daily basis the difficulties related on keeping such a piece of software consistent.

Computing environments can change frequently in order to test new pieces of software or maybe because system libraries need to be updated. For this reason replicating the results of a data analysis over time can be a challenging task.

Docker has emerged recently as a new type of virtualisation technology that allows one to create a self-contained runtime environment. There are plenty of examples showing the benefits of using it to run application services, like web servers or databases.

However it seems that few people have considered using Docker for the deployment of scientific data analysis pipelines on distributed cluster of computer, in order to simplify the development, the deployment and the replicability of this kind of applications.

For this reason I wanted to test the capabilities of Docker to solve these problems in the cluster available in our institute.


The Docker engine has been installed in each node of our cluster, that runs a Univa grid engine resource manager. A Docker private registry instance has also been installed in our internal network, so that images can be pulled from the local repository in a much faster way when compared to the public Docker registry.

Moreover the Univa grid engine has been configured with a custom complex resource type. This allows us to request a specific Docker image as a resource type while submitting a job execution to the cluster.

The Docker image is requested as a soft resource, by doing that the UGE scheduler tries to run a job to a node where that image has already been pulled, otherwise a lower priority is given to it and it is executed, eventually, by a node where the specified Docker image is not available. This will force the node to pull the required image from the local registry at the time of the job execution.

This environment has been tested with Piper-NF, a genomic pipeline for the detection and mapping of long non-coding RNAs.

The pipeline runs on top of Nextflow, which takes care of the tasks parallelization and submits the jobs for execution to the Univa grid engine.

The Piper-NF code wasn't modified in order to run it using Docker. Nextflow is able to handle it automatically. The Docker containers are run in such a way that the tasks result files are created in the hosting file system, in other words it behaves in a completely transparent manner without requiring extra steps or affecting the flow of the pipeline execution.

It was only necessary to specify the Docker image (or images) to be used in the Nextflow configuration file for the pipeline. You can read more about this at this link.


To benchmark the impact of Docker on the pipeline performance a comparison was made running it with and without Docker.

For this experiment 10 cluster nodes were used. The pipeline execution launches around 100 jobs, and it was run 5 times by using the same dataset with and without Docker.

The average execution time without Docker was 28.6 minutes, while the average pipeline execution time, running each job in a Docker container, was 32.2 minutes. Thus, by using Docker the overall execution time increased by something around 12.5%.

It is important to note that this time includes both the Docker bootstrap time, and the time overhead that is added to the task execution by the virtualization layer.

For this reason the actual task run time was measured as well i.e. without including the Docker bootstrap time overhead. In this case, the aggregate average task execution time was 57.3 minutes and 59.5 minutes when running the same tasks using Docker. Thus, the time overhead added by the Docker virtualization layer to the effective task run time can be estimated to around 4% in our test.

Keeping the complete toolset required by the pipeline execution within a Docker image dramatically reduced configuration and deployment problems. Also storing these images into the private and public repositories with a unique tag allowed us to replicate the results without the usual burden required to set-up an identical computing environment.


The fast start-up time for Docker containers technology allows one to virtualise a single process or the execution of a bunch of applications, instead of a complete operating system. This opens up new possibilities, for example the possibility to "virtualise" distributed job executions in an HPC cluster of computers.

The minimal performance loss introduced by the Docker engine is offset by the advantages of running your analysis in a self-contained and dead easy to reproduce runtime environment, which guarantees the consistency of the results over time and across different computing platforms.


Thanks to Arnau Bria and the all scientific systems admins team to manage the Docker installation in the CRG computing cluster.