Collaboration Blogs

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Introducing the Tower Cloud Community Workspace

A ready-to-go analysis environment with gold-standard nf-core pipelines Tower Cloud is a hosted instance of Nextflow Tower available at http…

Evan Floden
Evan FlodenOct 22, 2021

RNA Society Hosts APAeval Challenge on Nextflow Tower

The RNA Society is hosting APAeval, a community effort to evaluate computational methods for the detection and quantification of poly(A…

Evan Floden
Evan FlodenJun 03, 2021

The next step for multi-platform collaboration at scale

We have spent a lot of time over the last months on an embarrassing problem; although this time it is not parallelization! Working backward…

Paolo Di Tommaso
Evan Floden
Paolo Di Tommaso & Evan FlodenMay 06, 2021

Sharing is Caring

The First Anniversary Release This month we celebrate the birthday of the Tower project, introduced one year ago! 🎉🎉 A lot has changed in…

Paolo Di Tommaso
Paolo Di TommasoOct 08, 2020