The Seqera Blog

Insights, commentary and announcements from the wonderful world of Nextflow data analysis pipelines

Posts tagged with "Xpra"

Optimizing image segmentation modeling using Seqera Platform

Sep 2, 2024
Seqera PlatformData StudiosMachine LearningFusionCollaborationXpraPerforming interactive analysis is considered one of the most difficult phases in the entire bioinformatics process. User-friendly interactive environments that are adjacent to your data and streamline the end-to end analysis process are critical.
Rob SymeRob Syme

Data Studios – Interactive analysis in Seqera Platform

May 23, 2024
Seqera PlatformData StudiosXpraAn overview of Data Studios - a new feature in Seqera Platform that enables analysts and data scientists to add interactive envrionments.
Rob NewmanRob Newman