
Introducing "Channels" the rebranded podcast

Watch News and Views: Introducing “Channels” the rebranded podcast

In this News and Views episode, Phil Ewels, Chris Hakkaart, and Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas discuss the hottest topics in the Nextflow world.

The News and Views podcast format

  • News and views will be short format podcasts and will cover things going on in the Nextflow community.
  • We will record “Seasons” of around six 20-25 min episodes.
  • Rob’s interviews (previously called nf-cast) will continue and will also be released every 1-2 months.
  • We’re hoping to live-stream and incorporate live comments in the next season (March 2023).
  • Subscribe on YouTube / Spotify.

Nextflow for astronomers

New initiatives in Asia-Pacific

  • Chris recently attended AMSI, COMBINED, ABACBS, and SBEI in Melbourne Australia.
  • Met with a lot of community members and some of the BioCommons team.
  • Really excited to start work on new initiatives in the Asia-Pacific (watch this space!).

nf-core/tools 2.7 release

  • A release of nf-core/tools 2.7 is underway.
  • New features include:
    • New nf-core subworkflows subcommand for creating, removing, testing, updating, and finding subworkflows. More info here.
    • Every pipeline has now its own GitHub codespace template, which can be used to develop the pipeline directly in the browser.
    • Improved handling of modules and subworkflows from other repos than nf-core/modules.
    • Pre-commit is now installed as a dependency, which allows us, besides other things, to automatically run prettier to properly format auto-generated JSON / YAML on the fly even if Prettier has not already been manually installed locally.
    • Shell completion for nf-core commands. More information here.