Join us for an insightful webinar from Flagship Pioneering (Steve Marshall, Senior Director of Bioinformatics) and Quotient Therapeutics (Raúl Alcántara, Senior Bioinformatics Engineer) delving into the transformative impact of somatic genomics data for the identification of promising drug targets, and the role of Flagship Pioneering in Biotech startups. In this webinar, we will explore how Quotient Therapeutics is utilizing Nextflow with Seqera Platform to monitor, deploy, test and automate custom pipelines at scale to identify drug targets with unprecedented sensitivity. We will also discuss the importance of Open Science at Quotient, and the role of the nf-core community for adopting best-practices and rapid pipeline deployment in AWS environments.

Join these industry leaders as they discuss:
- Role of Flagship Digital in supporting their ecosystem of companies
- Explore Quotient’s approach to the processing of somatic genomics data at scale
- Integration of Seqera platform in Quotient’s pipeline strategy
- Harnessing somatic genomics for the development of transformative medicines
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Raúl Alcántara
Senior Bioinformatics Engineer at Quotient Therapeutics

Steve Marshall
Senior Data Scientist at Flagship Pioneering

Rhonda Silva
Account Executive at Seqera