ASHG Annual Meeting brings together more than 8,000 genetics professionals and their industry partners from around the world to learn the latest in the field of human genetics and genomics research.

Visit the Seqera booth at ASHG for live demos of our data pipeline orchestration tools, Nextflow and Tower – trusted by over 20,000 researchers and over 150 leading pharma and biotech companies worldwide. If you're interested, book a demo ahead of time now.
And join Seqera CEO Evan Floden who will present a poster on November 2 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM.
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Evan Floden
CEO & Co-founder at Seqera

Robert Lalonde
Chief of Commercial Partnerships at Seqera

Christian Kwon
Head of Sales Development, Seqera

Irina Silva
Field Marketing & Alliances, Seqera

Rhonda Silva
Account Executive at Seqera

Rob Syme
Scientific Support Lead at Seqera