Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab), is Sweden’s national centre and resource for molecular biosciences. The National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) division provides DNA sequencing and analysis for research groups across the country. Their vision is for Sweden to be a world-leading nation in life sciences.

Nextflow and Seqera Platform are used with nf-core pipelines to standardize the genomics analyses for SciLifeLab and other facilities in Sweden. Data pipelines can be run on-premise and in the cloud to maximize throughput and shorten the time to results.
“Nextflow provides SciLifeLab with automated, reliable and easy to run data pipelines that yield reproducible results for our team. Through the ease of sharing standardized pipelines via nf-core and the ease of reproducibility with Nextflow, we are more efficiently and collectively getting results. The multi-cloud and on-premise scheduler support of Seqera Platform provides us with huge flexibility to deploy genomics workloads anywhere.”