Webinar: Optimizing Tertiary Analysis | Elevate Your Data Modeling with Data Studios on Seqera Platform

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In this webinar, Rob Newman (Product Manager Lead, Seqera) & Rob Syme (Scientific Support Lead, Seqera) will show how Data Studios enables users to spin up interactive analysis environments (think Jupyter, RStudio, and VSCode), seamlessly integrating with your pipeline data, compute environments, and credentials already hosted in the Seqera Platform.

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Introducing Data Studios

Are you ready to revolutionize your data modeling? Join us for an exclusive webinar on Wednesday, June 12, where you’ll discover how Data Studios on Seqera Platform can empower your team’s tertiary analysis like never before.

This powerful combination unlocks a range of benefits, including:

  • Seamless Co-location: Combine your analyses and data in one cohesive environment for streamlined workflows.
  • Quick Transition: Move effortlessly from pipeline runs to launching interactive analysis environments, saving valuable time.
  • Easy Sharing and Collaboration: Foster teamwork and knowledge sharing with simplified sharing and collaboration features.
  • Simple Development: Define interactive environments easily, leading to better reproducibility, versioning, and provenance.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to see the future of bioinformatics analysis.


Rob Newman

Rob Newman

Product Manager Lead at Seqera
Rob has a PhD in structural geology and over twenty years experience building software for managing large-scale scientific datasets. At Seqera, his product management team builds the Seqera Platform that enables scientists to perform bioinformatics analyses at scale.
Rob Syme

Rob Syme

Scientific Support Lead at Seqera
Rob has a decade of experience developing and leveraging computational approaches to biological problems from fungal genome assembly to chickpea population genomics. An advocate for teaching and contributing back to the scientific community, he delivers the advanced Nextflow training course and is responsible for provision of scientific support to Seqera customers. He holds a PhD from Curtin University in Western Australia and despite now living on the other side of the world, continues to supervise PhD and masters students in his capacity as adjunct faculty at the University of Western Australia.