Unlock the power of your data. Join your colleagues at Roche on the Seqera Platform

  • Run Nextflow pipelines with large-scale datasets and optimize resources. Learn about our cutting-edge solutions for managing complex data, improving reproducibility and scalability.
  • Reduce costs and boost performance with the Fusion file system. Simplify infrastructure deployment and minimize complexity.
  • Control costs by profiling resource utilization at each step of a pipeline, enabling optimized resource allocation.
  • Discover how our team of experts can provide you with personalized attention to help you streamline your research processes and achieve your scientific goals.

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Learn how Roche is successfully using Seqera

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How Seqera is already supporting Roche

We’re supporting the immunotherapy Centers of Research Excellence (imCORE) project, which is accelerating cancer immunotherapy research and development. Twenty-six research institutes have joined this project, and with Seqera and Kamino, you too can harness the power of our platform to accelerate scientific discovery.